Welcome to my Website!

Yo, I'm Coby! Saito might be my last name! ;D

➤ Again, I'm Coby and this is my website I'm going to be working on! I'm a beginner when it comes to making a website, but I'm willing to take on the challenge! >:D Things that I am good at is drawing! Here is proof of it! JaxCobax. I'm also like video games, anime, manga, a bit of coding now! Also like to learn about japanese culture and language. Right now I know a tiny bit of japanese. So don't mess with me because I can say "your mom" in japanese! D:<

➤ As you can see, I'm using sadgirl's website template as a base for my website. No worries, for you all will soon see my creative ideas flourish on this here website! ;D Special thanks to my friend SweetLovingLies for getting me into this! Here is hers website.

➤ Aight enough with the introdutions! Time to explain my plans with this webiste! This page you see now is going to be a road map for the future of my website. I'm going to have my internet persona to be my voice, I'm going to draw him later.

➤ Imma start making the road map and internet persona now! When you see this sight again ya'll will see only a fraction of my creative stills!


This is my internet persona! But in a lab coat!